Since more and more ladies are using Pleasant Pads for minor incontinence and feeling wonderful relief from abandoning the toxic pads they had been using every day, I thought it would be helpful to post a blog on how to lessen incontinence naturally! If you don't need these tips for yourself, remember them to share with friends who may be greatly encouraged by them!
- For one thing, ladies are reporting that using cloth Pleasant Pads has lessened the problem. (See testimonials.)
- Another answer is theraputic grade copaiba essential oil. This can be taken internally with food, and has been used all over the world to help with incontinence. There are numerous testimonials online of copaiba helping with incontinence in dogs so much that they could get off their meds. Here's one such story: "My 14 year old female desexed Kelpie was 'leaking' quite significantly and was put on pseudoephidrine (the old type) by our vet, without success. Then I started her on Copaiba with her morning and evening meal and then tested a few times by removing it from her diet - at which she always started leaking again by 48hrs. Her dosage is 1 drop (morning and night) and I found that is the minimum needed for her to stay dry. Very impressed." So if it helps with animals, it has the ability to help humans, too (and many have used it for that purpose). Contact us for information on how to order top quality copaiba oil at wholesale prices.
- Kegel exercises are huge in helping increase muscle strength down there so as not to leak uncontrolably. Here's how you do it. In order to find the muscles you're going to squeeze, once when urinating tighten and hold your pelvic floor muscles to stop the flow. Now you know what muscles you're going to squeeze throughout the day. You don't want to exhaust the muscles, so first start with squeezing for 2 seconds, and relaxing for 2 seconds. Do this for a few repititions several times throughout the day. Then over the course of a few weeks, build up until you're finally at 10 second squeezing, 10 seconds relaxing. This article says: "Exercising your pelvic floor muscles is proven to be more effective than surgery and medication for stress and urge incontinence." Isn't that great news? You're going to be an athelete of the small muscles before you know it!
- Tighten muscles at times of vulnerability. If you know that you tend to leak a bit when you laugh or sneeze, do some tightening of the muscles right then! (It is called stress incontinence when you experience leakage at times like these.)
- Eliminate caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, which is not helpful if you're already feeling the urge to go more than you'd like. Caffeine has other health problems that make it more than worth it to eliminate from your diet.
- Don't feel embarrased about this problem. Believe it or not, as many as 1 in 4 women are with you in dealing with minor incontinence! I'ts helpful to understand that childbirth is the main cause of incontinence, but even if you've given birth, it does not mean that you'll necessarily have to endure incontinence for the rest of your life!
And while the muscles are getting stronger, be sure to bless your body by giving it the relief of wearing natural Pleasant Pads rather than toxic disposables! And try copaiba to see if it works for you!