I can't believe we haven't posted about this helpful herb before now! For those of you who struggle with intense monthly cramps, this is a tea you're going to want to tryyesterday! It is available for only a couple of bucks from Athena's Garden. I personally noticed a huge reduction in cramp pain the several times that I needed it, from this tea (especially in combination with ThermaCare Heat Wraps). Let us know how much of a difference it makes for you!
I have been studying natural childbirth a good bit recently, and am seeing how some pain reduction techniques for childbirth and labor could help with monthly cramps as well. The key is relaxing into the pain rather than tensing up and resisting it. How could relaxing reduce pain? Well, the uterus is built of two opposing types of muscles: longitudinal muscles, which are mostly on the top of the uterus; and circular muscles, which form the lower half of the uterus. During labor, or monthly cramping, for that matter, longitudinal muscles contract to clear things out, but if a woman tenses up, the circular muscles lower down "close the outlet, maintaining the uterus in its unemptied state. ... Then the muscles that empty the uterus and the muscles that hold it closed are working against each other" (Childbirth Without Fear, Grantly Dick-Read, M.D., p. 67) and pain results. Just as it can become painful when the bladder needs to be emptied but the timing isn't convenient, so there is unnecessary pain when half of the muscles of the womb are trying to clear out the uterus but the other half are tense and constricted. Need an extra boost for feminine health or hormonal support? Essential oils not only smell great, but they can help balance hormones, calm cramps, and knock out infections too! Some of them (like oil of oregano) are scientifically proven to be as powerful as penicillin (with no side effects)! All therapeutic grade oils are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. And there are some that are ideally suited for womanly health. Dragon Time, for one. What a name! Can you guess what it's good for? Regulating hormones during the "way of women"? You got it! According to The Essential Oils Desk Reference (a book that makes you feel like your own doctor - you can look up any ailment and see what oil helps it), Dragon Time helps relieve PMS, balance mood swings and calm cramps. Sound like you need a bottle on hand? Thermacare Heatwraps are terrific! It's like sticking an invisible heating pad on you that will go with you and stay warm ALL day.
Author: MelanieI'm committed to you having a more pleasant time of month every month, with Pleasant Pads. As I learn interesting tidbits about the "way of women" (Genesis 31:35), I'll be sharing them here. Sign up for the RSS feed to make sure you don't miss anything important. Categories
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