Did you know that there is a very accurate way to predict when your period will start? You can know for sure, about two weeks in advance. How? Well, it's all thanks to a fixed number of days in your cycle called your luteal phase. But, you might say, "My cycle is never the same length--it's different every month, and I never know when 'Aunt Flow' is coming for a visit!" If you think that, think again, because I'm going to let you in on a little secret that shouldn't be a secret, but should be taught to every 13-year-old girl.
Author: MelanieI'm committed to you having a more pleasant time of month every month, with Pleasant Pads. As I learn interesting tidbits about the "way of women" (Genesis 31:35), I'll be sharing them here. Sign up for the RSS feed to make sure you don't miss anything important. Categories
February 2014