How grateful we should be to be women! The reality that parts of our lives are inconvenient and earthy shouldn't diminish our gratitude. We are privileged! To be: bearers of life (physical, and emotional by setting the tone of the home), nurturers (through nursing babies and also through our words, "The lips of the righteous nourish many" (Proverbs 10:21), and queens of our homes - each part of womanhood is accompanied with an aspect of glory.
If tempted to loathe your time of month, remember that you'd much rather have it than not! It shows you're healthy and everything is working properly, and there will be a possibility for new life to form within your womb sometime in the future. How wonderful to receive a red "letter" of good news every month!
It's true that the curse of the Fall has made aspects of womanhood painful (see Genesis 3:16). But we can choose to transform our response to the discomfort. Perhaps view cramps as preparation for undergoing childbirth someday - a practice run. Or express gratitude to the Messiah for the pain He endured on the cross - which was much greater than any menstrual pain we might endure. Or see it as an endurance challenge which reveals that you can go through great suffering and still come out fine in just a few days!
So, next time you pull out those Pleasant Pads, remember that it's time to be grateful!
Happy Thanksgiving, ~Melanie